
Objective 1: Active Involvement

Outcome Indicators Measure Benchmark (Target) Map to Strategic Plan
A. Students engage with communities a) Carnegie Engaged classification- Givepulse
b) Volunteer & community service & service learning – Givepulse
c) Citizenship – ILO
d) NSSE Module: Civic Engagement
e) NSSE Indicator: Learning with Peers
f) NSSE Campus Environment: Quality of Interactions
a) Carnegie Engaged Classification Awarded
b) Volunteer & community service & service learning (80 % of student completing DSU service experience)
c) Use ILO benchmark
d-f) DSU mean will be higher than Rocky Mtn mean (FY & SR).
Goal 5, Strategy 1, 2, 3, 5
B. Faculty & Staff engage with communities a) Carnegie Engaged Classification- Givepulse
b)Volunteer Service- Givepulse
a)Carnegie Engaged Classification Awarded
b) Participation rate, baseline needed
Goal 5, Strategy 1, 2, 3
C. DSU provides educational, cultural & recreational enrichment/td>


a) Carnegie Engaged classification- Givepulse
b) Number & types of programs & participation in educational, cultural & recreational events in response to Community Survey/Demand
c) Community satisfaction with offerings
a) Carnegie Engaged Classification Awarded
b) Baseline numbers.
c) > 4/5 satisfaction ratings of attendees
Goal 5, Strategy 2